Saturday, October 29, 2016

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Get Ordained.. Become a Priestess of Love with the Reiki Temple..

Get Ordained.. Become a Priestess of Love with the Reiki Temple.. 

I'm so excited.. I am officially a 'Priestess of Love'.. I have been ordained by the Temple of Reiki. 

What is Reiki?  You may ask.. Well, Simply put Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation, that also promotes healing. It is based upon the idea that we all have an unseen 'Life Force Energy' flowing through us. The word Reiki actually comes from two Japanese words.. 
* Rei, which means "God or Higher Power"
* Ki, which means "Life Force Energy"
* Basically Reiki is "Spiritually Guided Life Force Energy"

I first learned about Reiki a few years back from a therapist of mine. I was immediately drawn to the concept. The love and positive energy surrounding Reiki is something I have always believed in. 

 "I was thrilled when I discovered that I could be ordained as a 

"Priestess of Reiki"

 Why would you want to be Ordained? You might ask.. Well, there are many reasons. Becoming Ordained sets me on a Path to Personal and Professional Fulfillment. Ordainment can Deepen my Commitment to Spirituality. It can also bring Respect and Integrity from my friends and family. Most importantly, Ordainment gives me the opportunity me to Preform Ceremonies and Weddings. I am able to Offer Blessings & Lead Sacred Rituals

There is Many More Reasons and Opportunities. You can Learn about them on The Reiki Temple Website.
Here is a little of what you will find there.. "Inspired by Divine Love, we believe that all beings existing within this dimension are instantly qualified to share the wisdom of divine love. Our certification of ordination, then, is simply a formality, a public acknowledgement of an ordainment in the spirit of loving energy we believe everyone is born in. Committing to the loving path is a worthwhile commitment and many may notice subtle changes in their lives after being ordained with the intention to be aware of the divine in every moment."


I am looking forward to marrying my brother early next year. This is something meaningful & close to my heart, that would have never been possible without my Ordainment.

You too can be Ordained. The process is simple. Not only do you get the title of "Priest or Priestess of Love", but you also receive a gorgeous certificate (via Email). Simply Click Here to Learn More


Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Camping is Comfy Again with the 'Survival Hax' Sleeping Pad..

 Camping is Comfy Again with the 'Survival Hax' Sleeping Pad..

 Check it Out..  Survival Hax

After 2 nights of camping (Still Firm)

A Good Night's Sleep, While Camping??  Impossible you say.. Well, that is what I thought. I have loved camping since I was a child. Unfortunately, I developed Arthritis in my early 20's. I live in Upstate NY, so most everywhere I camp is very cold at night. I tried everything... bulky air mattress's, triple sleeping bags, tarps, even leaves at one point. Some of it worked well, but carrying a huge air mattress while hiking or canoeing to my camping spot was not logical. I ended up suffering more often than not.

This summer was particularly rough, so I decided to look at other options. That is when I discovered the 'Survival Hax' Sleeping Pad. I really love the compact size.
(about the size & weight of my Hair Straightener)

I can truly carry it anywhere (less than 2 Pounds!!). It also Self Inflates, so there is no need for a bulky pump. I can have it unpacked and inflated in minutes. Once inflated, the surface is smooth and very comfortable to lay on. The sleeping surface measures 70 inches long and is about 20 inches wide.

My favorite thing about this Sleeping Pad is how well it insulates me from the cold ground. I woke up both mornings feeling great (October in Upstate NY). This Sleeping Pad has only a small amount of air in it. Personally, I think that allows my body heat to heat the pad, therefore keeping me warm at night. I do know that I have tried to sleep on traditional Air Mattress's (inside of a house) that were incredibly painful for me. I was up all night in terrible pain from the cold air underneath of me. I think the shear amount of air inside of it, made it impossible for my body heat to warm it at all. Whatever it was, I have sworn off traditional Air Mattress's.

This 'Survival Hax' Sleeping Pad is my new best friend while camping or even as an extra bed for guests.  I really love how quick it is to deflate & repack. I am always exhausted after camping. This Sleeping Pad is super easy to deflate and get back into the bag. Another great thing about this Sleeping Pad is the Bargain Price (about half of what I would pay for a cheap air mattress)..