Sunday, March 6, 2016

Scooby's New Lounger.. Or, So He Thought..

Scooby has been terribly jealous ever since his sister got her new window bed.. Trixe is older and has arthritis so she doesn't go outside. Since she is stuck inside all day,  I wanted to give her a way to enjoy the great outdoors.. This window seat was the perfect idea.. She couldn't be happier.. Scooby, on the other hand, was sad and despondent because Trixie got a new bed. He loves his scratch pad so I decided to order him the Kitty Lounger.. It is a step up from your basic scratch pad.. 

As soon as it arrived Scooby was very excited.. He immediately grabbed his favorite toy and laid down to sleep.. The shape of the Lounger is like a couch. It has a back and arms.. Scooby loves it because he always sleeps with a pillow.. He like to have his head elevated like a person.. It is adorable.. Everything was going great.. Both Kitty's were happy with their new beds.. Until, Scooby got up to go outside.. 

Immediately, Trixie Looked around and saw he was gone.. She went over and removed his favorite toy from the bed.. She then grabbed her little red mouse and dropped it on the Lounger.. She Climbed up and proceeded to claim Scooby's Lounger as her own.. I couldn't help but laugh.. She is something else.. Poor Scooby.. I looked over a few minutes later and saw Trixie stretched out sleeping on the lounger.. Apparently this is Her new Lounger.. As with everything else in the house.. 

 Gotta Love her.. Too Cute..

If you are interested in the Lounger or Window Bed you can get them here.. 
Kitty Lounger..
Window Bed..

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